Day4 Central region →kyoto→Osaka
Binsong / Meixiu Art Museum / Osaka
In the journey of exploration, I met my beautiful self.
2019/11/6 — 2019/11/11
TENYER TENYER designs a study tour in Japan
Meet the beauty of Japanese architecture
Day4 Central region →kyoto→Osaka
Binsong / Meixiu Art Museum / Osaka
After breakfast buffet in the hotel
We are from Binsong, Shizuoka County
The heavyweight destination to start the trip
Miho museum
After more than two hours of mountain road trip
Caught off guard
MihoJust give us some color to see
Autumn leaves with three dividends and various green plants
It became a strong and bright color
terminus ad quem
We had lunch at the Taogu restaurant in front of the restaurant
According to the library staff
The ingredients used here are free of any additives
All of them are planted locally by natural farming method
Gather after dinner to visit "peach garden"
Miho MuseumBe located
The nature reserve of shinle Town, Kaga City, Shiga County, Japan
In 1991, miyuko yamayama appointed
Master of modernist architecture Ieoh Ming Pei
Designed this private art museum for it
The beginning of design
Pei, more than 70 years old, xiaoshanmeixiuzi, more than 80 years old
Two people over 150
Because of the ideal of design and architecture
Building this century building
On the way to the art gallery
Rolling mountains, crisscross fields
On both sides of the mountain road
Beautiful scenery
Only with the three words "Pei Yuming"
Enough for two hours
The intersection of light and shadow
Let the ancient forest and modern design be integrated
It's also a place for all kinds of Masters
In front of the Meixiu Art Museum
There is a zigzag passage
Known by many as the peach blossom garden
The cave of Wuling people
Forest water, you will get a mountain, the mountain has a small mouth, as if there is light Go back dozens of steps, and suddenly you will be enlightened.
——Tao Yuanming
Day5 Osaka → Okayama
Comprehensive duty free shop / kuanshanchi Museum / Gangshan
Duty free shop is your favorite shopping link
Go shopping
It's the heart of most of my friends
But today's duty-free shop only has one hour
Another heavy journey awaits us
To appreciate the classic works of Tadao Ando
Osaka Prefectural Sayamaike Museum
To feel the charm of fair faced concrete
Osaka Prefecture Museum is located at the edge of koshanchi
It's the work of Tadao Ando in 2001
It is also one of the most classic buildings in Ando
Enter the gate
It's a big box growing down
There is only a small part of the horizontal plane
Go down the steps and enter the water curtain passage
The sluice is opened every odd time
The pool pours down and beats the water
Produce a loud roar
We were lucky to see the water curtain open
The reverberation of water curtain in the pool
In the middle of the atrium, close your eyes and listen
To feel the charm of master Ando's architectural voice
Look at the picture carefully
And the rainbow
It's refreshing
Through the water curtain passage to the entrance of the Museum
Connected by circular ramp
Form a circular open courtyard
Using the method of creating space and environment atmosphere
To set off the grandeur and wisdom of ancient water conservancy projects
Huge cross-section remains frighten people
The narrow mountain pool Museum fully embodies
Three elements of Mr. Ando's architecture
Reliable materials
Authentic and complete geometry
Artificial nature
The staff of the Museum
They are all very enthusiastic and serious
Guide us to print the memorial medal
TENYER's little friend
I'm also observing the master's works carefully
Feel with your body's five senses
Feel architecture and space with heart
ou have to be in it
The biggest egg in this trip
My friend accidentally found the lines on the facade
And the reflection in the water
The picture is exactly the same as TENYER's logo.
Live view of TENYER logo
TENYER will continue to move forward
Learning to improve on the road of design
Create more and better design works
Day6 Okayama ? Shanghai ? Chengdu
Open the drawer and jump into the time machine on November 6
We are from the rainy Chengdu
Travel to Japan in the clear sky
Six day trip, we visit "ancient and modern"
Visit many excellent art galleries
Taste delicious food and travel the streets
Bring a new collision of ideas
This trip will be an eternal stroke in TENYER's growth career
It will also be a source of inspiration for TENYER designers
Using the heart of knowing things
The necessary conditions for mining design depth